Hi, everyone ! Bonjour, tout le monde ! Konnichi wa minna !
My name is Ismael, I’m currently living in Japan (near Osaka) and I’d love to use my personal skills to help you learn French or English. I’m french but I spent two years of my life in England and majored in English Literature. I’m the funny type so I ’t be yelling at you if there’s something you don’t understand :)
Je m’appelle Ismael, je vis actuellement au Japon (a cote d’Osaka) et je veux mettre a profit mon experience personnelle pour vous aider a apprendre l’anglais ou le francais (ou les deux :) ). Je suis francais mais j’ai vecu en Angleterre pendant deux ans et je suis diplome de litterature anglaise. Je suis plutot marrant et pas du genre a crier sur mes eleves quand ils ne comprennent pas. :)
English for Kids Vol. 1
English for beginners
English intermediate
Employment experience :
June 11 - Now Katsuragi School /Shindô School Osaka JP
Assistant Language Teacher
Oct. 09 - June 10Little Heath School Reading, UK
Foreign Language Assistant
Worked with year 12 and year 13 french students during private sessions
Assisted french teachers with year 8 to year 13 pupils
July 07/08 - Aug. 07/08French Red Cross Poitiers, FR
Night Watchman
Answered incoming phone calls and directed to proper department
Accommodated guests, provided food and shelter for them
Nov. 06 - Feb. 07 Quick Republique Nord Poitiers, FR
Cleaned the restaurant, washed the dishes, served customers
Sept. 06 Castorama Poitiers, FR
Stock taker
Made an inventory of gardening tools
Summer 04/05/06 EARL de l’Etang 86 / Rouge Gorge 86 / Soldive Poitiers, FR
Hired man
Worked in various farms during melon and tobacco harvest
Alliance Francaise Paris - Ile de France Paris, FR
DAEFLE (degree to teach french as a foreign language) in progress
UFR Lettres et Langues Poitiers Poitiers, FR
Bachelor’s degree in english literature
Lycee Victor Hugo Poitiers, FR
Baccalaureat litteraire (GCSE) Mention passable
現在の職業 | Assistant Language Teacher |
日本滞在歴 | 2012/06 |
教える言語 | 英語 、フランス語 |
趣 味 | American literature, cooking, soccer, basket-ball, |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 中級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、その他 |
English literature
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