I would be very pleased to teach you French or English language.
To study a foreign language, grammar is important but I would prefer to give you the opportunity to speak as much as possible.
Therefore, I strive to create a lively lesson that combines grammar and interactive aspects.
My various past experiences in teaching French and English are a good starting point to make the new as well as the advanced learners to feel comfortable in learning French language.
If your desire is to take a French language test like DELF or TCF, I can give you all the keys to reach it for that was a part of my job I was in charge of in France and in Korea.
Looking forward to hearing from you, I hope to see you soon.
A bientot j`espere. ^^
French language is not as difficult as it seems.
My method is based on the needs of the learners. I create my own educational material according to the student.
I refer to several grammar or text books I used in my previous experiences.
But the most important thing is to practise and speak French as much as possible.
Teaching :
French teacher at Suncheon primary school in Seoul. March 2008-July 2008
French teacher at Langue Francaise institute in Seoul from beginner to advanced students. August 2008-June 2009
English teacher in an English institute in Seoul from beginner to advanced learners. January 2009-June 2009
French and English teacher at Acadomia institute in Paris. September 2009-September 2010
French teacher at AAA institute in Paris from beginner to advanced. Regular and intensive classes. June 2011 to March 2012
現在の職業 | Teacher |
日本滞在歴 | 2012/04 |
教える言語 | 英語 、フランス語 、日本語 、スロベニア語 |
趣 味 | Languages, travels, sports, cinema, music, economics, politics |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 基礎 、初心者 、中級 、上級 、超上級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 |
Master degree second year in languages teaching. Paris Sorbonne
Bachelor degree in Korean Language, Literature and civilization. Paris Inalco
Bachelor degree in English, Spanish and Italian. Caen University
京都線: 茨木 │千里丘 │岸辺 │吹田 │東淀川 │新大阪 │大阪
神戸線(大阪~神戸): 大阪 │塚本
御堂筋線: 江坂 │東三国 │新大阪 │西中島南方 │中津 │梅田 │淀屋橋 │本町 │心斎橋 │なんば │大国町 │動物園前 │天王寺
谷町線: 野江内代 │都島 │天神橋筋六丁目 │中崎町 │東梅田 │南森町 │天満橋 │谷町四丁目 │谷町六丁目 │谷町九丁目 │四天王寺前夕陽ヶ丘 │天王寺 │阿倍野
四つ橋線: 西梅田 │肥後橋 │本町 │四ツ橋 │なんば │大国町
中央線: コスモスクエア │大阪港 │朝潮橋 │弁天町 │九条 │阿波座 │本町 │堺筋本町 │谷町四丁目 │森ノ宮 │緑橋 │深江橋
千日前線: 野田阪神 │玉川 │阿波座 │西長堀 │桜川 │なんば │日本橋 │谷町九丁目 │鶴橋 │今里
堺筋線: 天神橋筋六丁目 │扇町 │南森町 │北浜 │堺筋本町 │長堀橋 │日本橋
長堀鶴見緑地線: 西長堀 │西大橋 │心斎橋 │長堀橋 │松屋町 │谷町六丁目 │玉造 │森ノ宮 │大阪ビジネスパーク │京橋
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