I traveled and lived in more than 15 different countries. I wanted to try a new experience in a new country.
I always taught and trained children and adults in various topics since I started to work in France.
Being a teacher in Japan was a natural thing to do.
My name is Mathieu.
I live in Japan since 2008 and I teach French and English in an international school.
I would be glad to teach you and help you to reach your goals in learning a foreign language.
I have used various methods and can suggest a few of them depending on what you are looking for (conversation, grammar, vocabulary, particular hobby or point of interest related to the French language or culture, etc...)
Method FLE (French as a Foreign Language).
Methods' examples : Zig Zag level 1&2, Grenadine level 1&2, Futsuken 5&4.s
For beginners : work on vocabulary and situations.
From intermediate : conversation, grammar.
現在の職業 | French & English Teacher |
日本滞在歴 | 2008/12 |
教える言語 | フランス語 、英語 |
趣 味 | Sports : running, cycling, skiing |
日本語レベル | 中級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 基礎 、初心者 、中級 、上級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス 、検定 |
\ | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
07:00-08:00 | × | × | × | × | × | × | × |
08:00-12:00 | ▲ | × | × | × | × | × | ▲ |
12:00-17:00 | ● | × | × | × | × | × | ● |
17:00-22:00 | ▲ | × | × | × | × | × | ▲ |
Currently teacher for children from 2 to 12 years old.
Focus on vocabulary, situations, conversations, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, Eiken junior and from Eiken 5 to Eiken 2 exams.
神戸線(大阪~神戸): 芦屋 │甲南山手 │摂津本山 │住吉 │六甲道 │摩耶 │灘 │三ノ宮 │元町 │神戸
神戸線(神戸~姫路): 神戸 │兵庫 │新長田 │鷹取 │須磨海浜公園 │須磨
神戸本線: 西宮北口 │夙川 │芦屋川 │岡本 │御影 │六甲 │王子公園 │春日野道 │神戸三宮
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