フランス語教室 > フランス語先生一覧 > 大阪府 > 大阪市中央区
フランス語教室 大阪市中央区カフェdeマンツーマンおすすめ先生をまとめました!
大阪市中央区 エルカムリチ マハ先生
講師番号 / お名前 |
NO.3511 EL KHAMLICHI MAHA/エルカムリチ マハ 先生
更新日時 |
2021/04/09 |
出身/日本語レベル |
Morocco / 中級 |
居住地 |
大阪府 大阪市中央区 |
最寄駅 |
二条 |
希望駅 |
難波線:大阪難波 大阪上本町 大阪線:大阪上本町 本線:京橋 天満橋 北浜 淀屋橋 神戸本線:大阪梅田 阪神本線:大阪梅田 御堂筋線:江坂 東三国 新大阪 中津 梅田 淀屋橋 本町 心斎橋 なんば 天王寺 谷町線:天神橋筋六丁目 |
講師歴 |
2018年3月 |
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
My vision is not only teaching a language but teaching the culture behind it through different workshops ( Special cooking class, Film, Books discussion, Music,... )
I want to share an experience.
学歴・職歴・フランス語関連資格 |
Teaching Experience:
I had a part time job in France as an Arabic teacher from January 2011 to June 2011 and from January 2012 to May 2012.
I gave French classes at an association for kids with disabilities in Morocco from 01/2016 to 06/2017. I animated classes for the kids and the mothers.
I am teaching French to a student at Doshisha from October 2017.
Other experiences :
2018/03- Internship at Hosoo (Kimono company, Kyoto, Japan)
2015/10-2017/08 Financial Analyst at Afilo SARL (Textile company, Rabat, Morocco)
2014/09- 2014/12 Back office E-commerce Responsible at H.I.S Paris, Part time job (Paris, France)
2014/02-2014/08 Junior Auditor and Financial Analyst at H.I.S / AMC, 6 months internship
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
2013/04-2013/09 Junior Global Business Analyst at H.I.S CO LTD, 4 months internship
(Tokyo, Japan)
2012/08-2013/02 Junior Cost Accountant at Miura Shokai CO LTD, 6 months internship
(Textile Company, Kyoto, Japan)
2011/09-2011/12 Junior Account Manager at BMCI Bank, 3 months internship (Rabat, Morocco)
2011/07-2011/09 Junior Quality Manager Assistant at RCAR/CNRA Insurance, 3 months
internship (Rabat, Morocco)
日本に来たきっかけと、フランス語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan in 2012 for one year as an intern because it was one of my dreams to live in Japan.
I fall in love with Japan and decided to come back on 2017 to study and work here.
I want to be a part -time French teacher to be able to share my knowledge as I have a very atypical background with experience in Morocco ( a French speaking country ) and France.
I am still giving once a week a private French class to my acquaintances.
日本に来たきっかけと、フランス語講師になったきっかけ |
I came to Japan in 2012 for one year as an intern because it was one of my dreams to live in Japan.
I fall in love with Japan and decided to come back on 2017 to study and work here.
I want to be a part -time French teacher to be able to share my knowledge as I have a very atypical background with experience in Morocco ( a French speaking country ) and France.
I am still giving once a week a private French class to my acquaintances.
レッスン内容(生徒に望む到達点、使用テキスト等) |
My vision is not only teaching a language but teaching the culture behind it through different workshops ( Special cooking class, Film, Books discussion, Music,... )
I want to share an experience.
学歴・職歴・フランス語関連資格 |
Teaching Experience:
I had a part time job in France as an Arabic teacher from January 2011 to June 2011 and from January 2012 to May 2012.
I gave French classes at an association for kids with disabilities in Morocco from 01/2016 to 06/2017. I animated classes for the kids and the mothers.
I am teaching French to a student at Doshisha from October 2017.
Other experiences :
2018/03- Internship at Hosoo (Kimono company, Kyoto, Japan)
2015/10-2017/08 Financial Analyst at Afilo SARL (Textile company, Rabat, Morocco)
2014/09- 2014/12 Back office E-commerce Responsible at H.I.S Paris, Part time job (Paris, France)
2014/02-2014/08 Junior Auditor and Financial Analyst at H.I.S / AMC, 6 months internship
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
2013/04-2013/09 Junior Global Business Analyst at H.I.S CO LTD, 4 months internship
(Tokyo, Japan)
2012/08-2013/02 Junior Cost Accountant at Miura Shokai CO LTD, 6 months internship
(Textile Company, Kyoto, Japan)
2011/09-2011/12 Junior Account Manager at BMCI Bank, 3 months internship (Rabat, Morocco)
2011/07-2011/09 Junior Quality Manager Assistant at RCAR/CNRA Insurance, 3 months
internship (Rabat, Morocco)
- リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
- 生のフランス語に触れられる!:フランス人講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
- フランス文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、フランスの文化や習慣を深く理解し、フランス旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
- アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
- 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、フランス語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、フランス文化や社会についても学べます。
- オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
- 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しくフランス語を学んでみませんか?🌟
- 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟