業界トップの経験豊富なフランス語先生 業界トップの経験豊富なフランス語先生

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高田馬場 - フランス語教室F10カフェdeマンツーマンレッスンの講師


フランス語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -高田馬場の講師をご紹介

講師番号 NO. 2148
更新日時 2015/02/06
居住地 東京都 西東京市
最寄駅 高田馬場
国籍/出身地 ケニア / Singapore
フランス語講師暦 2010年10月





Good day! Bonjour! Ci-dessous j’ai une introduction en anglais mais d’abord je voudrais me presenter ici en francais! :) Alors, moi je suis un singapourien mais pour toute ma vie j’ai vecu en beaucoup de pays tels que la Malaisie, les Etats-Unis et un peu en France. Je suis tres interesse en la culture francophonie comme la musique, la cuisine et la politique. Alors n’hesitez pas de me contacter ! Je crois qu’on peut se lier d’amitie facilement ・・On m’a dit que je suis tres sympa… hahaha !

I am a native speaker of English (2 years U.S. residency) and Mandarin, and I have previously lived in France, so I speak business level French. I travel extensively, so speaking a few major global languages has come in handy for me. I love languages, and I also love teaching. I have been teaching language since high school for income, and have taught a broad range of students, not only in groups but also in 1-to-1 sessions. I understand that people who learn a language have particular needs in mind, like being fluent in conversation or expressing certain ideas in written word. I can certainly focus on teaching a particular aspect of a language to suit the needs of my employer. When teaching, I am an active listener, and I always try to understand whatever questions a student might have. I am very enthusiastic about teaching, and almost always teach during my term breaks.

In 2008, I spent a semester studying linguistics (and political science) at Stanford. In 2010, I stayed in France for the summer and joined a bilingual French-English learning conversation group (this was not a job).

Language is about connection; it is about transcending borders between people. That is why teaching languages is my objective: to make people efficient communicators. I take my work very seriously. I am punctual and I am always flexible with my time.

I will be honored to accept any job offer I receive.



I have almost 6 years of teaching experience, from kids as young as 4 to students in their twenties. Not only that, I have experience teaching in various countries, Malaysia, Singapore, France and the US. Basically, as a student, wherever I go, I take a job as a tutor.

When it comes to teaching, I actually have experience teaching adults (in addition to teenagers). Back home in Malaysia, I tutored a lot, at one point teaching English to a class of 25 people. I understand the specific needs of my students. Some students want to speak better, others want to write better, others still just want to pratice. Moreover, as a student of politics and economics, I am familiar with academic terms that students might need to use. I am also very tech savvy, and if I run into any problems, I have a handy electronic dictionary.

I am very happy to teach students of all ages. I converse comfortably with people who are older than me. I understand most Japanese customs, in addition to speaking basic Japanese.

I have won some language-related honors, such as the Harvard Book Prize (2008), I have also received an award from Le Grand Concours for scoring a distinction in their French proficiency exam.

現在の職業 Student, Waseda University
日本滞在歴 2013/04
趣 味 Travelling, writing, music, driving, meeting new people, teaching, walking around Tokyo!
日本語レベル 初級


Political Science and Economics



高田馬場 近くのカフェでフランス語レッスン!対面の家庭教師とオンラインを同時に、勉強できる



