業界トップの経験豊富なフランス語先生 業界トップの経験豊富なフランス語先生

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八千代台 - フランス語教室F10カフェdeマンツーマンレッスンの講師


フランス語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -八千代台の講師をご紹介

講師番号 NO. 2861
更新日時 2019/01/31
居住地 千葉県 八千代市
最寄駅 八千代台
国籍/出身地 ケニア / France - Paris
フランス語講師暦 2014年7月





Bonjour à tous, bienvenue sur mon profil :D

Hello everyone. Nice to meet you.
My name is Dimitri, I\'m a french boy, 24 y.o. who live actually in Chiba.

I’m passionated by Japan for several years, I realized my dream: travel to Japan. With my working holiday visa, I have an opportunity to stay 1 year in Japan and work there. I’m interested in Japanese culture. I know, how Western languages can be difficult, it’s the reason why it is important for me to share my knowledge. Help my students who learn and understand what I know from a long time is a real pleasure. Patience and sharing is the key to success of a successful education.

My main motivation: student success. And see a student motivated to understand and correct his mistakes is the best recognition.
I’m very patient and do not mind at all many repetitions.
I really love teaching french, so please be free to ask me everything you want to learn, we can do all sorts of activities to get it right


My lesson is 「a personnal lesson」 [We create together your french lesson from your expectations]

Indeed, during the first (free) lesson, we will, together, speak about your wishes, your expectations of french lesson but also the learning method.
So after that, I can create custom lesson according to you.

For the other lesson, it will be dedicated entirely to your lesson created based on your level.

I can use differents educational support : french newspaper, music, movie, book, text book.
When my students have a preference, it is always what I use.


I have in my professional experience, taught French, but English also to Asian students who lived in France via private lessons.

現在の職業 Working Holiday Visa
日本滞在歴 2013/11
教える言語 英語 、フランス語
趣 味 learning japanese, teaching japanese, japanese culture, food, JPOP, travelling
日本語レベル 初級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供
教えるレベル 基礎 、初心者 、中級 、上級 、超上級
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面


- Communication

八千代台 近くのカフェでフランス語レッスン!対面の家庭教師とオンラインを同時に、勉強できる



