業界トップの経験豊富なフランス語先生 業界トップの経験豊富なフランス語先生

フランス語教室 > 講師一覧 > 東京都 > 葛飾区

フランス語教室 > 講師一覧 > 中央・総武線 > 新小岩

新小岩 - フランス語教室F10カフェdeマンツーマンレッスンの講師


フランス語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -新小岩の講師をご紹介

講師番号 NO. 2863
更新日時 2015/12/01
居住地 東京都 葛飾区
最寄駅 新小岩
国籍/出身地 ケニア / France
フランス語講師暦 2014年7月





Hi, I am Thomas. I came to Japan to discover its culture and learn the language as I want to use it in the future for my job. I really enjoy discovering a new lifestyle here and I would also be happy to make you discover the culture and the language of France. I am also fluent in english (which I teach for a school in Tokyo) as it was my major at university and as I lived the last 3 years abroad.

I am looking forward to meeting you, have a nice talk and make progress in languages together !


Bonjour !

I don\\\'t have any particular educational policy. I am actually adapting myself to your level so we can work efficiently. As English teacher I work with Interchange 1-2-3 and Business Result (Upper-intermediate and Advanced levels) but If you have a book, you’re welcome to bring it and we can work with it.
As learning languages is the basis of my studies and my future career I know the time it can take and what to do to improve. I know it is difficult but I also know that the best and fastest way to learn is to practice and have fun. If you enjoy the class then it makes everything easier. So no pressure, we will take the time you need and make it interesting and enjoyable.


- Bachelor degree in Foreign languages for international business (3rd year at Tallinn University in Estonia)(Sep, 2009 - Jun, 2012)

- English teacher for beginners to advanced/business level students in private and semi-private courses at Hello! English Language School (Tokyo, Japan/Sep 2014 - Current position)
- Technical support analyst and Back-up coach for Hewlett-Packard (Dublin, Ireland/Oct, 2012 - Mar, 2014)
- Interpreter and Teleprompter-operator for Solutions Prompteur (in France and Switzerland/Jun, 2012 - Sep, 2012)
- Private teacher (english, mathematics/Apr, 2009 - Jun, 2009)
- Music (drums) Private teacher (Jan, 2009 - Dec, 2009)

現在の職業 Student and English Teacher
日本滞在歴 2014/04
教える言語 英語 、フランス語
趣 味 Sports, music, languages, travels, food
日本語レベル 初級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性
教えるレベル 初心者 、中級 、上級
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス


Foreign languages for international business (English/German)



I only ticked some stations of the sobu line as this is the line I use the most but any station on other line should be fine as soon as it is not completely outside of Tokyo, we can decide together where the best place to meet is.

新小岩 近くのカフェでフランス語レッスン!対面の家庭教師とオンラインを同時に、勉強できる



