フランス語教室 > 講師一覧 > 中央・総武線 > 御茶ノ水
I grew up in a French speaking and writing environment. Basically, French was the language I learned and used at elementary school, throughout high school and college until graduate school.
I also taught French from beginner to advanced level to one or several students with different language skills. I am now doing a PhD in medical and dental sciences at the orthodontic department of Tokyo Medical and Dental University where I teach French to a few university staff members and classmates in the evening and during break time.
I really enjoy teaching french and I am very patient and kind. I am always ready to answer any question you may have regarding french or grammar or syntax at anytime.
I will mostly use printouts of popular stories such as "Le petit chaperon rouge" , "Les misérables" and, "Romeo and Juliet" in addition to vocabulary word lists and grammar notes. And we will have interesting conversation in french which will help you build confidence in using the language whenever you need to. A bientôt j'espère!
I graduated from the Faculty of Odontology of the State University of Haitiin 2006. Dental Surgeon Diploma (DDS)
I became a general dentist at Partners in Health(PIH) in Haiti for four consecutive years. 2007 -2011. I also taught French at (PIH) for 1 year.
I graduated from the Arnold School of Public Health of the University of South Carolina in 2013. Master's in Public Health (MPH)
I am now enrolled as a PhD student at the orthodontic department of Tokyo Medical and Dental Science where I have taughtFrench for 6 months.
現在の職業 | PhD student |
日本滞在歴 | 2014/04 |
教える言語 | 英語 、フランス語 |
趣 味 | Jogging, Badminton, play Magic the Gathering |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 基礎 、初心者 、中級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス |
I am a dentist with a Master's in Public Health obtained from the University of South Carolina in the USA. Now I am PhD student in medical and dental sciences at the orthodontic department of Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
京浜東北線: 大宮 │さいたま新都心 │北浦和 │浦和 │南浦和 │蕨 │西川口 │川口
中央・総武線: 市川 │本八幡 │下総中山 │西船橋 │船橋 │東船橋 │津田沼 │幕張本郷 │幕張 │新検見川 │稲毛 │西千葉 │千葉
山手線: 大崎 │恵比寿 │渋谷 │原宿 │代々木 │新宿 │新大久保 │高田馬場 │池袋 │駒込 │田端 │西日暮里 │鶯谷 │上野 │御徒町 │秋葉原 │神田 │東京 │有楽町 │新橋 │浜松町 │品川
中央線(快速): 東京 │神田 │御茶ノ水 │四ツ谷 │新宿 │中野 │高円寺 │阿佐ケ谷 │荻窪 │西荻窪 │吉祥寺 │三鷹 │東小金井 │武蔵小金井 │立川 │日野 │高尾
中央・総武線: 三鷹 │吉祥寺 │西荻窪 │阿佐ケ谷 │高円寺 │中野 │東中野 │大久保 │新宿 │代々木 │千駄ケ谷 │信濃町 │四ツ谷 │市ケ谷 │飯田橋 │水道橋 │御茶ノ水 │秋葉原 │浅草橋 │両国 │錦糸町 │亀戸 │平井 │新小岩 │小岩
京浜東北線: 赤羽 │東十条 │王子 │上中里 │田端 │西日暮里 │日暮里 │鶯谷 │上野 │御徒町 │秋葉原 │神田 │東京 │有楽町 │新橋 │浜松町 │田町 │品川 │大井町 │大森 │蒲田
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