フランス語教室 > 講師一覧 > 神奈川県 > 川崎市中原区
Hi all!
My name is Andy Oshima. I am half-Belgian and half-Japanese. I was born in Saitama, but grew up most of my life in Canada. Yes, the big country with lots of snow and beautiful Nature!
When I was in elementary school and high school, I didn't know what to do later, as an adult. I couldn't choose. And the reason was because I was curious about everything and wanted to experience as much possible. One thing I have learned so far: as long as you have one first goal and motivation (from yourself), you can achieve anything. Then, get yourself a second goal, and keep on moving forward.
I may not be the best language teacher, but I can surely help you out with your dreams.
As long as students are motivated and disciplined to learn and study a new language.
Regarding French teaching text books, I have not really used any, except for myself, I study with みんなの日本語 between French & Japanese. Using the reverse form could be a great start.
2 years teaching horseback riding in a kids summer camp
5 years designing in an architecture firm
6 years coaching volleyball (while playing at the same time)
1 year as a professional volleyball player (Japan)
Since 2 years as a professional model for Image Tokyo
Since April 2017, coaching volleyball & teaching English at the same time for students who want to play abroad
Among that, since I have moved to Japan (Sept.2014), I have had few English/French lessons in Cafes for Japanese friends.
現在の職業 | モデル |
日本滞在歴 | 2014/09 |
教える言語 | 英語 、フランス語 |
趣 味 | Sports, being active and healthy, outdoors, travels, architecture, cinema, culture and art. |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 中級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、その他 |
Masters in Architecture + 5-year experience in design firm
Professional volleyball player (one year in Japan)
Now professional model for Image Tokyo
And also coaching volleyball in English for students who want to combine volleyball & English to play abroad.
湘南新宿ライン: 池袋 │新宿 │渋谷 │恵比寿 │大崎 │西大井
東急東横線: 渋谷 │代官山 │中目黒 │祐天寺 │学芸大学 │都立大学 │自由が丘 │田園調布 │多摩川
東急目黒線: 目黒 │不動前 │武蔵小山 │西小山 │洗足 │大岡山 │奥沢 │田園調布 │多摩川
日比谷線: 八丁堀 │築地 │東銀座 │銀座 │日比谷 │霞ケ関 │神谷町 │六本木 │広尾 │恵比寿 │中目黒
南北線: 飯田橋 │市ケ谷 │四ツ谷 │永田町 │溜池山王 │六本木一丁目 │麻布十番 │白金高輪 │白金台 │目黒
副都心線: 池袋 │雑司が谷 │西早稲田 │東新宿 │新宿三丁目 │北参道 │明治神宮前〈原宿〉 │渋谷
都営三田線: 目黒 │白金台 │白金高輪 │三田 │芝公園 │御成門 │内幸町 │日比谷 │大手町
南武線: 川崎 │尻手 │矢向 │鹿島田 │平間 │向河原 │武蔵小杉 │武蔵中原 │武蔵新城 │武蔵溝ノ口 │津田山 │久地 │宿河原 │登戸
東急東横線: 新丸子 │武蔵小杉 │元住吉 │日吉 │綱島 │大倉山 │菊名 │妙蓮寺 │白楽 │東白楽 │反町 │横浜
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