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フランス語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -の講師をご紹介

講師番号 NO. 1094
更新日時 2013/08/29
居住地 東京都 新宿区
国籍/出身地 ケニア / South Africa
フランス語講師暦 2009年7月





I have been teaching English in Japan for 2 years and in Korea for 4 years - all age-groups from adults to kindergarten in reputable English institutes in Japan (British Hills in Fukushima-ken) and in Korea.

I taught at the University of Kang Nam in Seoul, Korea (Foreign Language Education Centre) specializing in customized corporate teaching on contract for various companies. At the Legal Research Centre I taught judicial officers, prosecutors, immigration officials, juvenile detention officers and language (Japanese, Chinese & English) teachers. I also taught semiconductor engineers at Samsung Electronics, medical engineers at Green Cross Pharmaceutical Benefit Management Corporation and electrical engineers at Dong-Ah Elecomm. I participated in a Summer Camp at Myong-ji University for the students of Tae Sung High School. I also taught undergraduate and postgraduate students and individual professors and other private individuals who signed up for Kang Nam University’s FLEC programme.

An English native-speaker, I majored in English (language and literature) and French (language and literature) for my B.A. degree at South Africa’s most prestigious university, the University of Stellenbosch (US).

Thereafter, I studied Law (LL.B.), also at the University of Stellenbosch, qualifying as a senior lawyer (barrister or advocate). The LL.B. degree conferred on me is a 3-year post-graduate equivalent to a Master’s Degree and covers every aspect of Public, Private and Mercantile Law.

I was selected for the South African Foreign Service where I was trained as a diplomat. I was trained in post-graduate university courses in political science, economics, law, anthropology, sociology, media & communication skills, etc. under the aegis of the following universities: University of the Witwatersrand, University of Pretoria (UP), University of South Africa (UNISA) and Rand Afrikaans University (RAU). After managing bilateral relations with the Nordic Countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland & Iceland), I was posted as diplomat to Tokyo, Japan for the period 1991-1994.

Thereafter, as a lawyer and legal adviser, I represented various Southern African indigenous peoples’organizations. This also entailed participation at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

I have done primary research in archival institutions and public records offices in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark and England for 30 years. I have published numerous research papers, given presentations, and edited a journal on various micro-historical aspects of Dutch colonial expansion in the 17th century.

I have much experience in many fields of endeavour. I have travelled widely (29 countries), lived abroad (4 countries), studied, researched and written widely (languages, linguistics, literature, law, politics and history), know a number of foreign languages (French, Dutch, Danish, Latin) enjoy teaching - especially interacting in a cross-cultural milieu - and have much experience in education, public relations, presentations, elocution and media work.

I enjoy sharing my experience and gaining new experience while also developing more effective ways of teaching English to non-native English students. I am happiest teaching my native tongue (English) and sharing knowledge and experience.



May 2007-May 2009
British Hills, Fukushima-ken, Japan
ESL teacher / instructor for visiting adults, university, high school and junior high schools srudents from throughout Japan in the following lessons:
culture and manners, presentation skills, pronunciation, listening skills, product design, news reports, discussion skills, negotions, drama, cooking, aromatherpy, glass painting, t-shirt painting, jewelry, printing, embossed cards, British sports, British History, Poetry.

May 2004-December 2004
University of Kang Nam (Foreign Language Education Centre & Customized Corporate Education Centre), Yong-in City, Kyeonggi-do, Korea

Customized corporate EFL lecturing, teaching & instructing also devising various curricula of selected officials and workers at various companies on contract for Kang Nam University (specializing in inter alia Business English, public presentation, grammar, phonics, writing, reading, speaking, correspondence, formulation, etymology, semantics, elocution), namely:
Legal Research Centre (Ministry of Justice) teaching officials of the Korean Ministry of Justice inter alia prosecutors, immigration officials, juvenile detention officers and language (Japanese, Chinese & English) teachers
Samsung Electronics teaching IT semiconductor engineers
Green Cross Pharmaceutical Benefit Management Corporation teaching medical engineers
Dong-Ah Elecomm teaching electrical engineers
Renault Samsung Automation teaching mechanical engineers
Myong-ji University teaching summer camp teacher for the students of Tae Sung High School
Kang Nam University teaching under-graduate students; post-graduate students; individual professors; private individuals (adults & students) enrolled in Kang Nam University’s FLEC programme
January 2003-January 2004
YBM Sanbon Si-Sa (ECC) English Institute, Gumpo City, Kyeonggi-do, Korea

ESL teacher / instructor in inter alia public presentation, grammar, phonics, writing, reading, speaking, correspondence, formulation, etymology, semantics, elocution, culture, drama & play-acting, singing to adults, university students, school students (high, middle & elementary schools) & kindergarten students. Mention should be made of the Gobbledygook Class - a special adult class which consisted of adults very advanced in English provided with a uniquely tailored curriculum [a detailed list of the material covered is available on request] for English discussion and critical analysis of representative English authors and writers world-wide; wide-ranged reading materials and genres such as contemporary newspaper articles and reviews, a comic opera (Gilbert and Sullivan’s H.M.S. Pinafore), a novel (J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace), short stories (Christopher Hope’s 1994, Olive Schreiner’s The Woman’ s Rose), a movie (the musical My Fair Lady), a play (Pradeep Davi’s Mi Nathuram Godse Boltoy / An Assassin Speaks), an essay (Montaigne Of Cannibals), numerous poems (by inter alia Amy Levy, Ogden Nash, Tatamkhulu Africa, Christopher Hope, Erik Turkman, Marlene Nourbese Philip, Ku-Sang), various lyrics, and special topics such as Eugene Ionesco’s Absurdism, Frantz Fanon’s post-colonialism and negritude, Edward Said’s Orientalism, Athol Fugard’ s contribution to modern theatre.

March 2002-January 2003
Yeji English Institute, Sindong-eup, Jeongseong-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea

EFL teacher / instructor in inter alia public presentation, grammar, phonics, writing, reading, speaking, correspondence, formulation, etymology, semantics, elocution, drama & play-acting, singing, culture to adults, school students (high, middle, elementary schools) & kindergarten students

現在の職業 lawyer 、freelance researcher、writer、performing artist
日本滞在歴 2013/01
趣 味 Music (piano & singing)、theatre、literature & creative、writing、swimming、tennis、historical research、cooking
日本語レベル 初級


Business English, Queen’s English, Presentations, Pronunciation/Elocution, Literature, Law,






