Okyakusama ni oshieru keiken ga arimasu . 13 sai kara 65 sai made daijobu desu
shinpai sninaide kudasai. Paris suki desu ka ? furansugo hanasu koto ha kowai desu ka ? ishoni furansugo o benkyo shimasho
1998 : BAC PRO electrotechnique ( high school)
1998/2001 : National truck driver in France with " CHALAVAN ET DUC "trucks and goods responsability .
2001/2003 : Electrician in France with " EUREKA BATIMENT " electric house and building equipment
2003/2005 : Creation of " TIME TO PLAY " small shop of computer and video games ,1 employee ,i created a playing card club"magic the cathering" and manage 20 to 30 children from 12 to 16 years old .
2005/2006 : In New Zealand Iron labour job with assistant manager responsability with " HAMILTON PERRY
(Cristchurch ) at this year , i started private french lesson.
2006/2006 : Management consultant with " OMIUM FINANCE" in France , insurance life seller , tactical finance advice .
2006/2009 : patissier with " GLOBAL DINING " in JAPAN , i also teach french lesson several times per month (children from british school and others places).
2008oct/now : French teacher with kimi willbe school (+others places student) and English teacher from 2009 with JTB koshigaya lake town
現在の職業 | french teacher |
日本滞在歴 | 2013/03 |
教える言語 | |
趣 味 | computer , travel , languages |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
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