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中井 - フランス語教室F10カフェdeマンツーマンレッスンの講師


フランス語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -中井の講師をご紹介

講師番号 NO. 2645
更新日時 2015/07/17
居住地 東京都 新宿区
最寄駅 中井
国籍/出身地 ケニア / France
フランス語講師暦 2013年3月






私は5年間劇団で働き、 2年間フランスにやって来た人にフランス語のレッスンや一般的な知識を教えていました。






Bonjour, je suis Jalil. Je suis étudiant à Tokyo.

J’ai fait 5 ans de théâtre, pendant 2 ans j’ai donné des cours de français et de culture générale dans un centre social, accueillant les personnes arrivant en France.

Je serai heureux de partager mes connaissances avec vous.

J’utilise plusieurs méthodes d’apprentissage, visuel, auditif et conversationnel.

J’ai plusieurs passions : making vidéo, escalade, la plongée, mais aussi rigoler.

Je viens du sud de la France (Marseille) ville connu pour Zinedine Zidane la bouillabaisse et son sens de l’humour.

Je ferai de mon mieux pour enseigner ma langue natale.

A bientôt.

Hello, I am Jalil. I am a student in Tokyo.

I did 5 years of theater, during 2 years I given French lesson and general knowledge in a social center, hosting new people arriving in France.

I am happy to share my knowledge with you.

I use several methods of learning, visual, auditory and conversational.

I have many passions: making video, climbing, the dive but also fun.

I come from the South of France (Marseille) city known for bouillabaisse Zinedine Zidane and his sense of humor.

I will do my best to teach my native language.

See you soon.


BS : International Commerce
Sep, 2008 - Jun, 2009
School Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille
Description : Import/Export, Economic Language, International Marketing..

BA : Negotiation Customer relations
Sep, 2006 - Jun, 2008
School Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille
Description : Be aware and re-lay at the needs for the customer.


Web Marketing
Apr, 2011 - Jan, 2013
Company : Eurosud La Provence

Position Type : Marketing
Description : Find solutions to transfer the readers of news paper press on a Web support.
Find internal solutions facilitating the creation of articles, pages of advertising, to the editorial service department, and to the advertising agency service.

Marketing development
Oct, 2010 - Apr, 2011
Company : Serenity Coach Center

Position Type : Marketing
Description : Creation and maintenance of a portfolio of 25 companies. Follow-ups of the accounts, the advice in financing of formation.
Specifications E-learning, competitive studies, Cost of application, evolution of the E-learning over 3 years.

host cultural center
Apr, 2006 - Sep, 2008)
Company : social and cultural center Val Plan Begudes Marseille

Position host cultural center
Description : Teaching to read and write to the different people from poor neighborhoods of the city (immigrant person out of the school system ...)
Finding a job with Jobs Club

現在の職業 French Teacher
日本滞在歴 2013/03
教える言語 フランス語
趣 味 Economy, Politic, International.
日本語レベル 初級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性
教えるレベル 超上級
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面 、その他


BS : International Commerce
Sep, 2008 - Jun, 2009
School Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille
Description : Import/Export, Economic Language, International Marketing..

BA : Negotiation Customer relations
Sep, 2006 - Jun, 2008
School Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille
Description : Be aware and re-lay at the needs for the customer.

中井 近くのカフェでフランス語レッスン!対面の家庭教師とオンラインを同時に、勉強できる



