Do not hesitate to contact me and discuss together about your needs, your preferences for learning, and create together classes that will really help you to progress!
I am a native french speaker, and a fluent english speaker.
I offer customized one-to-one lessons, depending on what you want to work on.
I will prepare every lesson before meeting, to make sure it fits your needs and help you progress at your own pace.
Interactive lessons! So you can practice and progress.
You can tell me what you like and dislike in the lesson so I can change it and adapt it to you.
Here are some examples on how the lesson could unfold:
- simple conversation,
- conversation on a specific topic of your choice, with a list of vocabulary I will prepare for you to keep and learn,
- lesson on specific grammar subjects you would like to understand,
- "trust lesson": if you do not know how to start, lets evaluate your level together and let me prepare a lesson designed for you!
My experience:
- I have taught english in Vietnam for 3 months to groups of adults,
- I have taught mathematics and scientific subjects on one-to-one lessons for several years,
- I have experience as university teacher for "project management" work groups,
- I have experience as a coach for young students in difficulty.
Do not hesitate to ask me if you have any question, I will be happy to answer it!
Talk to you soon,
Main occupation:
Project manager for treating radioactive waste
Teaching experience:
- I have taught english in Vietnam for 3 months to groups of adults,
- I have taught mathematics and scientific subjects on one-to-one lessons for several years,
- I have experience as university teacher for "project management" work groups,
- I have experience as a coach for young students in difficulty,
- French languages exchanges to help Japanese people improve.
現在の職業 | Engineer project manager |
日本滞在歴 | 2018/09 |
教える言語 | 英語 、フランス語 |
趣 味 | Photography, travelling |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 初心者 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、その他 |
Industrial engineering
Project management
Innovation management
Radioactive waste management
山手線: 大崎 │五反田 │目黒 │恵比寿 │渋谷 │原宿 │代々木 │新宿 │新大久保 │高田馬場 │目白 │池袋 │大塚 │巣鴨 │駒込 │田端 │西日暮里 │日暮里 │鶯谷 │上野 │御徒町 │秋葉原 │神田 │東京 │有楽町 │新橋 │浜松町 │田町 │品川
銀座線: 浅草 │田原町 │稲荷町 │上野 │上野広小路 │末広町 │神田 │三越前 │日本橋 │京橋 │銀座 │新橋 │虎ノ門 │溜池山王 │赤坂見附 │青山一丁目 │外苑前 │表参道 │渋谷
丸ノ内線: 池袋 │新大塚 │茗荷谷 │後楽園 │本郷三丁目 │御茶ノ水 │淡路町 │大手町 │東京 │銀座 │霞ケ関 │国会議事堂前 │赤坂見附 │四ツ谷 │四谷三丁目 │新宿御苑前 │新宿三丁目 │新宿 │西新宿 │中野坂上 │新中野 │東高円寺 │新高円寺 │南阿佐ケ谷 │荻窪 │中野新橋 │中野富士見町 │方南町
I do not know where I will be living in Tokyo yet, but I do not mind travelling, so we can meet wherever you like!
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